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Season II, 2023 - End Human Trafficking - A Commitment for All.

Listen to 10 radio programs aimed at the Latin American community addressing human trafficking and prevention measures. This campaign is produced in collaboration with the following partners:


Toronto: CHHA 1610AM Voces Latinas

Colombia: Radio international and Oriente Stereo

Honduras: Radio Progreso

Mexico: Radio Universidad de Coahuila

El Salvador: AMARAC - Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (World Association of Community Radio Station)

Ecuador: CORAPE,


Please note: These programs are in Spanish only. 

Introduction to the series

We introduce the goals of the campaign which is a joint effort between CHHA 1610 AM and the Mary Ward Centre.   


We talk about human trafficking, a crime that affects populations throughout the world and embodies a serious problem in Latin America. Each radio station explains why they are committed to the campaign to help build awareness about human trafficking in their country. 



  • Canada, Eva Rodriguez-Diaz - The Mary Ward Centre

  • Canada, Daniela León León - CHHA Radio Latina

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Trafficking in persons for the purpose of labour exploitation (Part 1)

We address the problem of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. Guests:

  • Canada - Luis Mata, Migration legal assistant, activist for the rights of migrants

  • Mexico - Berenice de la Peña, Professor, psychologist and researcher at the University of Coahuila

  •  Mexico. - Jose Luís Manzo, Coordinator of human attention at the Migrant's House in Saltillo

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Human trafficking with the purpose of labour exploitation (Part 2)

How can we recognize and prevent trafficking in persons for labour exploitation purposes.  



  • Canada - Luisa Ortiz, Migrant Worker Alliance for Change

  • USA - Andreina Zuluaga, Director of the Venezuelan Youth Organization for the United Nations


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Human trafficking for the purpose of sex exploitation (Part 1)

We introduce sex trafficking and exploitation, a crime that targets women and youth as principal victims. This program is co-hosted by CHHA1610 in Toronto and Radio Progreso in Honduras. 



  • Honduras - Carolina Sierra, Coordinator of the Forum of Women for Life


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Human trafficking for the purpose of sex exploitation (Part 2)

Learn how the criminal networks operate inside and between countries in Latin America. And about how governments should reinforce prosecution strategies.



  • Colombia - Christian Filip, Coordinator, Lawyers Without Borders, Canada in Colombia

  • Canada - Teresa Dremetsikas MD, Program Manager, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

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Refugees and their vulnerabilities in relation to human trafficking 

Are refugees more vulnerable to be victims of human trafficking? We analyze and discuss this situation. Guests are: 

  • Mexico - Dr. Luis Eduardo Zabala, Founder and Director of Casa Monarca

  • Canada - Hernan Astudillo, Founder and Director of San Lorenzo Community Centre in Toronto​

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Realities of border crossing from Latin America “Remembering the 72 murdered Huizachalense migrants.”

One year after the massacre of 72 migrants in San Fernando Tamaulipas, Mexico (former Huizachal hacienda), we call for memory, truth and justice. And faced with this situation we address the issue of the reality of borders in relation to the crime of human trafficking. Guests are: 

  • Mexico - Claudia Interiano, Transnational Search Coordinator for Foundation for Justice

  • Guatemala - Marisol Mendez, Coordinator of the Advocacy Area of the Foundation for Justice

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International students as potential victims of human trafficking

Countries like Canada are common and “desired” destinations for international students. However, many of them face situations of extreme vulnerability that make them prone to becoming victims of crimes such as human trafficking. Guests are: 

  • Canada - Helen Bachoun, Estudiante Internacional de origen chileno, vicepresidenta de la Organización OLAS y miembro del colectivo Vivir sin Miedo

  • Canada - Teresa Dremetsikas, MD, Program Manager, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

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Temporary farm migrant workers as potential victims of human trafficking - Part 1

Temporary migrant workers are subject to policies that limit the realization of their full rights as workers, compounded by the undignified working and living conditions they face due to some employers' failure to comply with the temporary worker program's regulatory standards.

Guests are: 

  • Canada - Antonio Illas, Missionary in the Migrant Farmworkers Project, of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara

  • Canada - Claudio Tapia, Licensed paralegal member of the York Region Community Legal Clinic, a non-profit organization representing migrant workers in Ontario

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Temporary farm migrant workers as potential victims of human trafficking - Part 2

In addition to saying goodbye (as this is the last program of the series), we reflected once again on the situation of vulnerability that temporary workers in Canada systematically experience. Oscar Perez, representative of the AMARC Latin America and Caribe reflects on the importance of spreading these messages in Latin American countries.

Guests are: 

  • Canada. - Luisa Ortiz, from the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change 

  • Canada - Paola Carmagnani, from The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking

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