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Advocacy to Combat Human Trafficking in Canada

Updated: May 6, 2024

Working to end human trafficking requires continued action and knowledge of different strategies to combat it in Canada and around the world. In this sense, the Mary Ward Centre:

1.  Presented a Letter to the Minister of Public Security, Dominic LeBlanc, recommending continuing the Plan to Combat Human Trafficking in Canada, which has an execution period of five years (2019-2024).  We highlight the need for an implementation plan with detailed actions and responsibilities; a plan that has a decisive approach to human rights and includes actions focused on combating sex and labour trafficking and exploitation, both the greatest modalities in Canada. Also, we added some specific proposals on how to implement the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery who visited Canada last year in September.

2.  In collaborative work with IBVM Spain, we wrote an international policy statement on child trafficking to be presented at the UN Office Against Trafficking and Organized Crime, Constructive Dialogues, in July.  IBVM Sisters from India, Nepal, Australia and the United States are currently reviewing the latest version.

3.  Finally, we continue, together with CHHA Radio Latina in Toronto, hosting the monthly radio broadcasts that link Canada and more than 1000 radio stations in Latin America. In addition, this year the IBVM of Spain participates as part of the thematic experts. See the infographic.


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